Established at the height of the global pandemic, the #SparkleforSocialCare social media campaign was launched to highlight the phenomenal dedication, hard work and continued sparkle shown by the UK’s 1.6million Care Workers.
Considered to be a huge success and with a continued momentum, Championing Social Care, Sparkle for Social Care’s umbrella organisation are once again asking the nation to get involved and this time launching a national week of #SparkleforSocialCare.
From the 14th – 20th of December, they are asking the UK to join this fabulous social media campaign by simply wearing something that sparkles and sharing their photos across social media using the hashtag #SparkleforSocialCare.
‘Working in an environment where what you do is crucial most of the day, having something like Sparkle for Social Care is instrumental. It highlights the part of the work and life in care services that’s about having fun, being there for each other to share a wonderful experience. In my eyes this is what Championing Social Care is about. Mastering that feeling and making it part of every day.’
Morten Mathiesen, Chief Marketing Officer at Sekoia
With the UK rolling out the Christmas lights and putting up the decorations so much earlier than usual this year, it’s a wonderful opportunity to bring everyone together to show their appreciation for the Nations Care Workers.
It’s such an engaging campaign at the perfect time of year for everyone to wear their sparkliest dresses and jumpers, drape themselves in tinsel and sequins and take a photo of their sparkle and smiles!
#SparkleforSocialCare will also being shining a light on the festive activities shown by the teams within Care Homes with their 25 days of #SparkleforSocialCare campaign as we head towards the big Ho Ho HO! An initiative that will showcase the outstanding efforts of care workers and their amazing commitment to keep Christmas magical for everyone” So far there’s been Christmas wishes from famous faces and some fantastic care workers dressed as elf on the shelf!
Avnish Goyal, Chair of Championing Social Care, Care England and Hallmark Care Homes talked of how important it is for Care Workers to see the nation show their support through a simple sparkle.
“This pandemic has shown everyone what a truly vital role that social care plays in society. It started with ‘Clap for Carers’ early in the pandemic that captured the hearts and minds of the nation and now continues with the recently launched Championing Social Care initiative. An initative developed by leading industry figures, to celebrate all that is good in the care sector and shine a light on those who support some of society most vulnerable. Sparkle for Social Care is an excuse to sparkle, have fun and share the festive fun.”
You can join in the #SparkleforSocialCare campaign by simply using the hashtag across social media and for more information download your #SparkleforSocialCare pack by clicking here.