We believe in making our programmes accessible to all is key to delivery.
We recognise that accessibility should be considered at every step of the journey, and so we are working with our suppliers and partners to meet our accessibility standards at all times. We have partnered with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) to allow their expertise to guide us in making our events as accessible as possible.
We believe we can make the biggest impact by focusing on the following key themes:
Physical Accessibility
Ensure that venues are physically accessible to all guests and event staff. Work with contractors to maximise the accessibility of the venue where possible. We will:
- Work with venues to review existing accessibility and suggest changes that we can implement
- Secure guest data early on in the process and log all accessibility requirements in a timely manner, including working with the guest directly where appropriate
- Require all contractors to meet accessibility requirements where appropriate.
Staff Accessibility
Consider the accessibility requirements of all staff, volunteers, and contractors. We will:
- Send out surveys to all those involved in the delivery of events to ensure that all accessibility requirements are captured
- Adapt roles as needed to ensure all staff, volunteers, and contractors are accommodated
- Ensure that all staff, volunteers, and contractors are briefed on accessibility requirements of guests where appropriate so that they can ensure the accommodation is met
We understand that accessible events are a continuous journey of improvement and so we will be consistently evaluating our practices, gathering feedback and making adjustments.
Our Programmes
A fantastic event to showcase the amazing talents of the social care sector. Whether it is singing, dancing, comedy, magic or music, we want to celebrate our sector in this national talent extravaganza!
Care Home Open Week is supported by the Great British Care Cycle Relay and aims to shine a light on the work of the care sector in your community.
The spectacular Fundraising Ball has raised almost £1.2 million for charities working in the care sector since its inception.
The Christmas Lunch is a hugely popular – and fun – event that celebrates the achievements of the care sector and raises funds for our charity partners.